Sinds een tijdje ben ik bezig om mijn kennis van SQL op te vijzelen. Aangezien ik de ambitie heb om later ook kennis van Snowflake op te doen heb...
In een voorgaande blog legde ik uit hoe je een kolom kunt sorteren op basis van een andere kolom. Dit doe je met de ‘sort by column’ functionaliteit in...
Stel je voor dat je een verkooprapport in Power BI hebt met gegevens over bestellingen en verschillende verzendmodi, zoals “Standaard levering,” “Express levering,” en “Overnight levering.” Je wilt deze...
In a previous blog, I explained how to make calculations like year-to-date (YTD) via DAX. But what if each month you take the total of, say, the last...
When working with Power BI you can very simply use time intelligence functions when making calculations. With SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR() you can quickly calculate a value...
I had finally managed to get the data I had into Snowflake. Of course, I couldn't wait to now start connecting Power BI to this...
One of the great advantages of working with Alteryx is the speed with which you can develop a workflow. When I am working on this, it still tends to...
The fact that raw data usually has to be cleaned up before you can start analysing it is probably not news to you if you regularly work with Alteryx. That you need to clean up the same data...
If you work with large amounts of data or with a workflow that contains many heavy tools and extensive macros, running a workflow can take a long time. This...