Snowflake Data Cloud
Why use Snowflake as a Data Cloud?
In Snowflake you have all your data in one central place. Ready to be processed very quickly, or even faster if you want.
The goal: to process large amounts of data, quickly get a good end result and satisfied users. Snowflake saves time (and money) and more.
Snowflake scales seamlessly
Snowflake's unique architecture provides virtually unlimited real-time storage and compute power
Scales linearly, saving time and money
With Snowflake, you pay for what you use (pay as you use)
Near real-time pipeline
Snowflake processes queries using "virtual warehouses." Each virtual warehouse is an independent compute cluster and therefore has no impact on the performance of any other query already running
...time travel!
Sometimes bugs can block an entire platform. With Snowflake you can go "back in time" with a simple search and restore your tables to what they were before the bug
Platform Overview
Snowflake Data Cloud provides a global platform where you can store all your data and handle essential workloads.
With Snowflake, you can work with your team(s) on the same data for a wide range of workloads, all in the cloud. How many workloads can you run (simultaneously), what's the right size of platform for you, how fast the queries finish? We figure that out together and it can all be customized to your needs.
If you want to know more about how it works, you can always send us an e-mail.
Snowflake Data Cloud: platform flexibility
Pay as you use
With Snowflake, you pay only for the computing power and storage you use. You can increase and decrease computing power as you wish, as well as turn it on and off
No more silos
Snowflake is a single integrated platform delivered as-a-service. Its architecture allows you to make data accessible across all departments and tools
Cloud native
Snowflake comes standard with many features. So you don't have to arrange add-ons yourself for security and compliance, for example. That's all already taken care of for you, as is the partitioning work
Contact our experts
Still have questions about whether Snowflake Data Cloud could be the solution for you?