Use MAKEDATE as a Swiss army knife tool to transform Date fields into any recognisable format.
To round to exactly two decimals the first thought is to use ROUND or FLOOR. Right? However, Tableau rounds numbers based on the original value in the database, following the...
Add a unique and sequential ID to a data set with Tableau Prep Builder with two possible calculations.
How to deduplicate records (rows) in data sets with Tableau Prep Builder using one of two methods. The classic Aggregate vs ROW_NUMBER.
ake an impactful Dashboard for your business in just 5 easy steps. With links to examples and some of the best Dashboard on the web.
Crosstabs: adding a single date filed and empty rows or columns We're all very familiar with tables, or Crosstabs, as they are called in Tableau. They have their place...
How to create your own personal Tableau Currency Exchange Calculator using Google Finance API and Google Sheets.
Did you know you can add images to buttons. Any idea where to place them? This article provides some suggestions and ideas.
This article illustrates the risk of data redundancy and how to resolve it using Tableau Prep and create an insightful Vizualisation or Dashboard