Today I wanted to highlight two very useful features in the latest version of Tableau, 2020.3, which came out today. Amongst the many exciting items there are two I...
At Tableau Conference 2019 in Berlin I had my first look at the new Relationship Model, and at the Conference in Las Vegas more of this feature was shown....
Als ik aan een dashboard werk en ik maak gebruik van Action Filters vergeet ik soms dat ik meer opties heb dan alleen maar ‘use as filter’. Vooral als...
Working on a dashboard and using Action Filters I sometimes forget I have more option than just clicking the ‘use as filter’ for a sheet. Especially if one of...
A while ago I created a dashboard where I wanted to create a ‘zoom-in’ on a location functionality.To do this I used the ‘Hide’ functionality within Tableau 2019.2 to...
Een tijd geleden heb ik een dashboard gemaakt waarin ik gebruik wilde maken van het zogenaamd inzoomen op een locatie.Hiervoor maak ik gebruik van de “Hide” mogelijkheid binnen Tableau...
Recently I was taking a quick look into the built-in Tableau Server 2020.1 beta reports.A colleague was talking about them and described how Tableau has really improved upon the...
How many of you take into account possible colour blindness in your end-user?I catch myself plenty of times not thinking about the possibility and possible impact of not taking...
Why do we visualize our data, and why should we try to move beyond crosstabs (or tables)?So often end-users will ask for a table, not unlike Excel (which they...