When dbt creates table or a view in a database, it creates it as: {{ database }}.{{ schema }}.{{ identifier }}, e.g. analytics.finance.payments. Schema and database are defined in the profiles.yml file (CLI) or in Credentials (cloud), when setting up a project. In this post, we will tailor make our own schema name, hijacking dbt default behaviour to write models to Snowflake.


When we define a project within dbt cloud we usually set a database (target.database), a schema (target.schema) and target.name as our development credentials. Once dbt runs, it will build our models into a schema with the name we defined. For deployment environment, we would have to define another set of credentials (and among them database and a schema), while target.name is defined per job.

Default dbt Behaviour

By default, dbt uses a macro to generate a schema_name based on target.schema and a custom_schema_name. The standard behaviour of dbt is:

  • If a custom_schema_name is not specified, the schema of the relation is the target schema
    ({{ target.schema }}).
  • If a custom_schema_name is specified, by default, the schema of the relation is
    {{ target.schema }}_{{ custom_schema_name }}.

If our project includes a macro that is also named generate_schema_name, dbt will always use that instead of the default macro.

Custom schema name

The custom_schema_name configuration attribute can be applied to a specific model by using a config block within a model: {{ config(schema='marketing') }}. Alternatively, we can apply it to a subdirectory of models by specifying it in the dbt_project.yml file:

# models in `models/marketing/ will be rendered to the "*_marketing" schema
      +schema: marketing

A Tailored schema name

In order to change and create our own tailored schema_name we should include a macro that is also named generate_schema_name. I usually create another folder under macros and include the alternative macro there (macros/configs/generate_schema_name.sql) :

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}

    {%- set default_schema = target.schema -%}
    {%- if custom_schema_name is none -%}

        {{ target.name }}_{{ default_schema }}

    {%- else -%}

        {{ target.name }}_{{ default_schema }}_{{ custom_schema_name }}

    {%- endif -%}

{%- endmacro %}

Simply speaking, if target.name = dev, target.schema = analytics_abenbinyamin and no custom_schema_name is defined, then the generated schema will be dev_analytics_abenbinyamin.

On the other hand, in production, where target.name = prod, target.schema = analytics and no custom_schema_name is defined, then the generated schema will be prod_analytics.

If custom_schema_name is defined (in a model or in dbt_project.yml file, as mentioned above) then we’ll get dev_analytics_abenbinyamin_marketing for development environment or prod_analytics_marketing for production.

This method enables me to tweak and create meaningful schema names according to the needs of the project.

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